Quick Start Guide


  • Option A (recommended): Install the plugin using the plugin manager inside the IDE.
  • Option B: To use a snapshot release download the "-dist.zip" from builds and replace the folder "~/.IntelliJIdeaX/config/plugins/logsupport-plugin" with the contents of this zip.

Usage inside a Project

  • Open "File / Settings" and navigate to "Project Settings / Log Support" to enable project wide support
    for a configured log framework through the live templates logt, logd, logi, logw and loge.


    • Log Support - Section "Project Defaults" allows to:
      • Set the default framework that should be used when no other framework is reachable in the current scope and also no overrides were configured. (The usage of existing logger instances of other frameworks can be omitted by ticking "Do not use other ..")
      • Toggle whether log IDs should be created and added to the log messages.
    • Log Support - Section "Scoped Overrides" allows to override several defaults based on defined scopes. Overriding can be useful to assign certain ID ranges by package or module and allow the use of more than one log framework within a project (e.g. within Tests).